Starting dreadlocks take time and bits of patience it will not look as expected at first however, with great care your dreads will look healthy. Here are some dreadlocks quotes that will keep you going during every dreads stage:
“Trust in the universe and respect your hair” .
Bob Marley
“I’ve had every haircut you could possibly imagine: mullet, tail, dreadlocks, afro, crew cut. It’s always been an expression of who I am”.
Marc Forgione.
You might see someone with dreadlocks and label them a hippie in your head, but that doesn’t mean they think of themselves that way. A lot of people look at me and see I have a beard and shaggy hair, and think I’m a hippie. I’m not a hippie, and I’m not a hippie. I don’t know what the f**k I am.
Jim James

What’s cool is he has dreadlocks. That makes piano cool in rock. If the piano player looks cool
Daniel Adair
Being natural is not a statement, it is the closest I can get to being myself
here are not many dreadlocks quotes for inspiration, however, one advice that stuck with me was “patience”. Being patience in your dreads journey doesn’t always come easily, especially at the beginning during the frizz and “ugly stage” but, these stages are short-lived.