When someone wants to adopt dreadlocks, there are plenty of things they must know to make the dreadlock journey easy. When there is a talk about dreadlocks, each word means a whole process or crucial thing. So, in this article, we have made a dreadlock dictionary to make you understand each word in the dreadlock world. So, let’s begin.
Dreadlock words explained here in this non exaustive homemade Dictionary are about:
I. Types of Dreads presented in this Dreadlock Dictionary
Dreadlocks have been around for centuries, but there are many things that people still don’t know about them.
This Dreadlock dictionary is a place to start to learn more about the different kind of dreadlocks, locs, ….
Dreadlock is a hairstyle in which hair is combined by locking or braiding to make various rope-like strands.
The exact origin of the dreadlock is unknown, but the depictions and sculptures found in Greece and Egypt show that people have been wearing it for thousands of years.
Initially, dreadlocks were considered a men’s hairstyle, but now women also make it.
It is suitable for both thin and thick hair and can be worn in short and long hair lengths.
Dreadlock is for all ethnicities and can be worn in hair color. It will take 3 to 6 months for the hair to form in dreads. Generally, the difficulty level of maintaining and growing dreadlocks is 2 out of 5.
Some dreadlocks are quicker to do, like with a sponge and at home, and some use a lot of techniques and tools.
Dreads (and locs) is also another name for dreadlocks. Over time they have evolved much and are classified into different types. Let’s look at them one by one.

Freeform Locs
The origin of freeform locs is east Africa in the 1960s. Freeform locs, a.k.a. Freestyle or Freedom locs, are the ones that are naturally formed without manipulation of the new hair growth.
Men and women can both have this hairstyle. Your hair should be thick to get this hairstyle to create thicker locs. People grow it longer. It is for afro ethnicity and is worn in black color. It takes two months to get freeform dreadlocks.
You can grow these dreadlocks at home without specific techniques, products, and tools, so its difficulty is 1 out of 5.
Your hair has to be clean and dry; these are the two steps to form the freeform dreadlocks; no other steps are required, i.e., using a sponge
Read our article that teach you How to easily start your Dreadlocks with a sponge?

- The pro is that it is greatly low maintenance and does not damage your hair.
- Con is, you can’t rush the process of having a freeform lock as it depends on how fast hair grows, so that it can take several months.
- The tip is to wash freeform dreadlocks frequently to remove build-up and avoid loosening them.
Video help about How to Start Freeform Dreadlocks
The origin of sister locks was Africa in 1993. You can create it using an interlocking tool without any chemicals or extensions. Sisterlocks are purely meant for women.
Women with sisterlocks have short to medium hair length. In this dreadlock hairstyle, the dread’s diameter is thin. It is for women of afro ethnicity without color-treated hair which means black hair.
Sisterlocks will mature over time and take anywhere between 3 months to 12 months to grow.
Steps to keep freeform locs healthy and in-form are washing 2 to 3 times a week, using a sponge instead of brushing, and tightening the hair every 6 to 10 weeks. Also, not treating sisterlocks gently can break them. Need to know why your sisterlocks are so dry ?

- The pro is that this hairstyle starts from the ends of your hair, which minimizes the tension at the scalp and lets hair grow healthily.
- The con is, sisterlock looks frizzy because you can’t use any moisturizing products when these are settling.
Check all the pros and cons of sisterlocks here !
See the sisterlocks journey
Faux locs
Faux locs originate in Egypt from 2500 BEC and are prevalent in the Rastafarian culture. Faux locs, as the name suggests, are fake locs that feel and look like real locs but are not permanent. Synthetic hair is wrapped around the natural hair, which then creates a matted hairstyle.
Faux locs are both for men and women of afro ethnicity. It can be achieved on black or blonde, thin and short hair as the addition of synthetic hair will make it thick and long. It takes 4 to 9 hours to install faux locs.
Steps to keep faux locs healthy-looking and avoid unraveling is retwisting is when you see natural hair out of faux locs. Faux locs are pretty easy to take care of at home, so that we will rate their difficulty level 1 out of 5.
However, to avoid stiffness in locs that cause pain, you should rinse it with hot water after application.

- The advantage is that faux locs are protective, require no manipulation of the natural hair, are long-lasting, and can achieve various styles.
- The disadvantages are it does not work well on straight hair texture, is heavy, and is prone to frizz.
Need help to How To Keep Faux Locs From Sticking Together?
Look at the faux locs in the updated technique :
Micro Locs
People of the Hamar tribe in Ethiopia were the creators of the microlocs in 1570. Microlocs are usually generated by coiling, braiding, and twisting to interlock small amounts of the strand to each other.
Microlocs are suitable for both men and women with thick and thin, short and long, type 3 and type 4 hair. Each micro loc diameter is smaller.
It is preferred by afro ethnicity in black color. The time needed to install microlocs depends on how many microlocs need to be installed; generally, it takes 48 to 50 hours. Learn right now how to start you micro locs with this tuto!
Microlocs are easy to handle in styling and grooming, so we rate its difficulty level 1 out of 5.
Steps to maintain it are washing, using hands or tools to interlock, or retwist.

- The advantage of microlocs is that it is a great protective hairstyle and saves curly hair from damage and breakage.
- The disadvantage is it is frizzy when grown, so use oil after washing.
Need to check the Difference Between Sisterlocks And Microlocs : Read This
If you want some guidance for DIY Microlocs installation, watch this video.
Traditional locs
Traditional locs origin is India in 1500 BC. Traditional locs are created through palm rolling medium to big hair sections using balm and wax.
Check out our 5 best maintenance kits for Dreadlocks in 2022 !!
Afro Men and women with thick black hair can adopt this hairstyle in short and long lengths. Traditional locs need 21 months to enter the adult stage.
Traditional locs need a wash and retwists, and it becomes heavier with time when it grows.

- The advantage of traditional locs is you can use any product that fits your needs well, and these require less maintenance over time (when grown).
- The disadvantage is traditional locs get frizzy and require maintenance initially.
To decide your traditional loc size and length, watch this video.
Interlocks’ origin is Africa in the 1990s. This dreadlock hairstyle is only for afro women and on black hair. But the good thing is women with thin or thick hair that are short in length can achieve it.
These types of dreads take six months to 2 years for hair to lock and look like mature dreads. You can have interlock dreads by hand or via using an interlocking tool at home, so we rate its difficulty level 1 out of 5.

- The advantage of interlocks is that you can shampoo your afro hair regularly when you want without worrying about frizzing and retwisting.
- The disadvantage is that if it is done badly, interlocks can do irreversible damage to the hair.
- The tip for interlocks is to do them on dry hair as wet hair is more fragile and leads to breakage
To know if interlocks are best for you, see their further advantages and disadvantages here.
Instant locs
The African American people created interlocks in the early 2000s. Instant dreads are also called dread extensions and are the act of creating fully locked dreads instantly with crochet hooks.
This hairstyle is for both men and women with thick, short, and long hair on blond, brown, and black hair color. It takes 3 to 12 months, depending on your hair type, to grow instant locs to a mature state. Along with the tools and time, you definitely need stylist help, so we rate its difficulty 2 out of 5.
For making instant locs, the step is using a small crochet needle and crafty latch-hook, wash and retwist.

- The pro is that instant locs work for all hair types; you can instantly swim and wash hair after style.
- The con is that instant locs can damage your hair if not done well.
- The tip to have the best instant locs is to make sure the hair is clean and residue-free before getting the hairstyle.
If your instant locs or dreadlocks have a smell, check out our article about it !!!!
Learn how you can get instant locs by watching this video.
Comb coils
Comb coils is a starter dreadlock hairstyle made in the late 90s and early 20s in Africa and America. It is one of the dreadlock starters styles that is achieved by a sliding comb from all sections of hair from root to tip, turning the comb in a clockwise direction.
It is an afro men’s and women’s hairstyle that can be achieved on long, short, thick, and thin black hair. It takes six months to 1 year for comb coils to grow before turning into a loc.
You can achieve comb coils via comb and fingers, so rate its difficulty level 1 out of 5 because you can easily make it via watching tutorials.

- The advantage of comb coils is it is perfect for any curl pattern of afro hair type.
- The disadvantage of comb coils is if you want to achieve them on longer hair, it will take longer to lock.
- The tip for maintaining comb coils is to use hair oil to keep hair moisturized and wear a headscarf at night.
Know how to start with comb coils by watching this video.
Goddess Locs
Goddess locs are a form of faux locs that originated in Egypt in 2500 BCE. Goddess locs are for both afro men and women with thick, long hair.
Making this dread hairstyle can take 4 to 8 hours, depending on your hair length, and usually, fake hair is used to make this hairstyle.
We rate its difficulty level 3 out 5 in creation because you will need products, tools, and professionals but one out 5 in maintenance.
The major step to remember is keeping the rotation movement the same. If you are wrapping hair clockwise, do it clockwise till the very end of all the hair.

- The biggest advantage is its extremely low maintenance; it will be healthy looking without applying products.
- The disadvantage is that it is extremely stiff initially.
Check some of the best Popular Goddess Faux Locs Styles
Want to see the tutorial on goddess locs? Watch this video.
12. Braid locs
Braidlocs origin is Africa. The people of Namibia started making it in 3500 BC.
In this hairstyle, you take tiny hair sections and braid them and let them grow to form in locs. It can take from a few months to more than two years for the braid pattern to turn in loc.
It is starting loc style for both afro men and women with thick, black hair. It is low maintenance and can be done without tools, so its difficulty level is 1 out of 5.

- The pros of braid locs are that your hair will not need chemicals and manipulation.
- The con is that braid locs take way longer to mature than other methods.
If you think of why you should choose braid locks, watch this video.
Yarn Dreads
Yarn locs are another method of making dreadlocks by braiding. Its origin comes from the Himba people of Namibia before the 1880s.
Yarn dreads are created by wrapping any kind of material or thread on locs. Yarn dreads are famous for afro women with long hair, but now men also make them create bun hairstyles.
You can keep hair growing for 5 to 8 weeks before removing yarn. Other than being a time-intensive project, there is a need for braiding and weaving long strands of yarn together, so we rate its difficulty level 3 out of 5.
Wash them when you feel yarn dreading dirty, but we suggest laying the braids down in the sink for washing. Don’t lay on yarn dreads while sleeping, covering them with a scarf or sabar net to keep them looking fresh.

- The advantage is if you have a wool allergy or don’t wear animal-diverted fabrics, the yarn dreads are best; however, if the hair is mishandled while detangling, hair breakage can happen.
If you want to know how yarn locs are done or how you can do your own, watch this video.
Wool locks
Wool locks are the new trend initiated publicly by American fashion designer Marc Jacobs in 2017. As the name suggests, it involves wrapping wool around the locs. It helps make a serious fashion statement.
Wool locs for both men and women of any ethnicity. These are worn thick and long. It takes 8 to 12 hours to get wool locs, and you can let them install for 6 to 8 weeks. Other than time-consuming application, you need to make wool ready for locs, so we rate its difficulty 4 out of 5.
You need to wash it to make it look clean throughout the wearing period.

- The pro is that wool locs are a great protective style that prevents frizz.
- The con is that it is heavy and becomes heavier when wet and takes a long time to dry.
Check more detail about the Wool Extentions
To see how to install wool dreadlocks,
Rasta dreads
Rasta dread origin is Rastafari people in Africa in the 1930s. It is also considered a Rastafarianism religious symbol. These dreads are freeform dreads that are formed when the wearer lets hair grow without any interference (i.e., cutting, rubbing, and rolling) to hair except by washing it.
These dreads are for afro ethnicity and for longer and thicker hair. Mostly it takes 18 to 24 months to grow mature rasta dreads.
These dreads are very low maintenance, so we rate their difficulty level 1 out of 5.
Rasta dreads do not need any special care but washing hair with beeswax to maintain them.

Wavy dreadlocks
Wavy dreadlocks are the hair trend that started in 2000 BCE in Africa, America, and other countries where most people wear dreadlocks. Wavy dreads are a technique to change the style of the dreads that are achieved by using satin or silk-covered rollers.
Checkout : How Do You Wrap A Turban or Headwrap
Wavy dreads are thin, long, and short hair and are for all ethnicities. It will take 24 hours to get dreadlocks wavy.

- The pro is that this style is quicker to get than others.
- The con is, if a method to make dreadlock wavy is done improperly, it can cause hair breakage.
If you want to know how to make dreadlocks curly you will like me love this video :
You can say brother locks are the male version of sister locks and were created by the same woman, Dr. JoAnne Cornwell 1993, who created sister locks.
It is for afro men with thick and medium to long hair. It takes 10 to 20 hours to get brother locks and takes less than a year to settle properly.
Other than taking longer, it needs to be done with tools, and you can’t do it on your own, so we rate its difficulty level 3 out of 5.

- The advantage is brother locks are easier to wash and moisture.
- The disadvantage is if done improperly, it leads to hair breakage.
Checkout the Brotherlocs journey in a simple video :
Gray locs
Jean-Paul Gaultier, a French fashion designer, started the gray hair trend in 2011.

It can be faux or gray locs can be any type of locs that can turn gray as a person gets older. Its difficulty level is 1 out of 5, but you need to take care of locs according to their type
- Pros : Grey is a neutral color that can be used in many different ways. It’s easier to maintain than other colors because you can use any shampoo or conditioner without worrying about changing the color of your hair – You don’t need to worry about getting your roots.
- Cons : The cons are that you may be judged by society for not wanting to conform to the natural aging process.
To know valuable tips about gray locs, watch this video.
Bohemian dreadlocks / Boho Locs
Bohemian aka boho locs can be traced back to the origin of faux locs, meaning its origin in Egypt in 2500 BEC. Bohemian dreads are for both men and women of afro ethnicity. These dreads are meant to be worn thick and long. It takes 5 to 10 hours to get bohemian dreadlocks.
Want to discover What Are The Different Types Of Faux Locs?

- Disadvantage : is that bohemian dreadlocks are heavy and can lead to hair breakage if moisture is not sealed in before installation.
- Advantage : is that there is no crisp wrapping application, so it is a less critical and carefree hairstyle.
- Tips : Use oil and leave-in conditioner to keep locs hydrated and moisturized.
Know how to Bohemian locs by watching this.
Twisted dreadlocks
Minoan civilization in 1500 BCE was the earliest civilization to twist hair into locs. This hairstyle is for afro men with longer and thicker hair; these are faux locs in most cases.
Twisted dreadlocks are not thin; they are longer and of black color. If the twisted dreadlocks are real, it takes six months to 2 years.
It is time-consuming and needs tools to do twisted dreadlocks, so we rate its difficulty level 2 out of 5.

- Pros: It preserves hair’s natural moisture and makes hair grow.
- Cons : If done improperly, it can lead to hair loss or hair breakage.
- Tips : Start from the roots either twist clockwise or anti-clockwise but once you choose a direction, stick to it.
If you want to learn an easy way to do twisted dreads, watch this video.
Crinkle dreadlocks
Crinkle dreads are a way of styling dreads that originate in various countries where people wear dreads, in the 2000s. You can get it by braiding the locs and keeping them in place until it gets dry; after that, you will have perfect crinkle dreads.
Crinkle dreads are a hairstyle for afro men and women with thick and long dreads.
It only takes 30 to 45 minutes to make crinkle dreads, and you don’t need any tool for that. So, we rate its difficulty level 1 out of 5.

- Pro : Crinkle dreads make hair fun
- Con : Can cause hair loss if not done right
If your dreads are thick and you want to know how to crinkle them, watch this video.
Soft dreads
This dread style started in 2014 in London. It is an afro feminine hairstyle for women with fuller and medium to long length hair.
Soft dreads take 4 to 9 hours to form as a style and last 4 to 6 weeks.
If you use a wrapping method or crochet method, both need professional help, so we rate its difficulty level 2 out of 5.
Use oil or nourishing conditioner frequently to keep hair moisturized.
These are a type of faux locs and can create tension at the scalp that can cause hair loss.

Fishbone dreads
Fishbone dreads origin is ancient Greece started nearly 2,500 years ago. This hairstyle is for both afro men and women and is for medium to thick black hair. It takes half an hour to make fishbone dreads.
It does not require specific tools but needs skills to get flawless fishbone dreads, so we suggest going to a hairdresser and so we rate its difficulty level 1 out of 5.

- Pro : is that fishbone dreads make hair more manageable and protective.
- Con : If there’s a lot of tension at the roots when making fishtail braids, it can cause hair loss and hair breakage
If you want fishbone locs, here is a straightforward technique.
Intricate dreads
Intricate dreads are the ones that have smaller or bigger braids and twists in various patterns.
The braiding and twisting started in Africa in 1500 BCE. Intricate dreads are for both afro men and women with thick and long black hair.
It can take 2 to 3 hours to make intricate dreads if locs are already prepared (retwisted).
Intricate dreads always need professional help, tools, and product, so we rate its difficulty level as 4 out of 5.
When working on hair to make intricate dreads make sure the hair is dry.

- The advantage : It gives you a fun look while protecting and moisturizing hair.
- The inconvenient : If the hairstyle creates tension at the hair follicle, it can cause hair loss.
To see how to make various intricate dreads, watch this video.
II. Tools to Make Dreads :
There are many tools that can be used to make and maintain dreadlocks, but the most common are listed here in my little dreadlock dictionary.
Crochet hook
A crochet hook is a tool that is used in styling and maintaining locs. It came into the market over a decade ago.
The crochet hook is used by inserting the crochet hook in the center of the dreadlock and angling at a point where if you take the crochet outward from the same point, it gathers flyaways and new hair to pull in the dreadlock.

Crochet Needle
The crochet needle is an interlocking tool and is part of the dreadlock crafting set that is used in tightening, maintenance, and installation of dreadlock. It works well for mature locks, too, without creating holes in them.

Dreadlock Sponge
A Dreadlock sponge is a tool to enhance curls, twists, and coils through the hair to start dreadlocks. Its flat side is used to create definition, and the side with grooves is used to achieve a rather rugged look.

Dreadlock Comb
A Dreadlock comb is a tool designed to pull and push hard when forming dreadlocks. The main purpose of it is to avoid loose loops, bristle bends, or snap-offs that happen using a plastic comb while creating dreadlocks.

Latch Hook
They are also called crochet hooks, and they are often made of metal.
Latch Hooks come in different sizes, so it is important to pick the right size for your hair.
It come with a smaller opening will work better for finer, thinner hair.
Use the one with a larger opening will work better for coarser hair.

III. Acts To Make Dreads
This section provides information on how to make dreads. It’s just a small list of the best technics.
Spin And Pin Dreads
Spin and pin is a dreadlock styling method used on highly textured African hair.
You can create nano-locs and huge rasta dreads too with this method.
Your hair should be 4 to 5 inches long to style with spin and method.
Finger twist, comb coils, twist, single twist, and single-strand twist are other names for this method.

Brush Rubbing
If your hair is highly afro-textured and very short, like 3/4″ to 2.5″, and you want random hair sections as knotted hairballs to prepare hair to get tiny defined dreadlocks.
A Dreadlock brush is used for this method.

Latching is the process of wrapping hair around itself to create and maintain a dreadlock.
This method is durable and easy. Latched dreads are impossible to remove unless you cut them.
If the latch hook is used on the tip of the dread, it pushes the loose hair inside, making it super secure.

Backcombing Dreads
Backcombing is a seamless locking method that is famous for making dreads on Asian and Caucasian hair.
This method creates consistent and durable knots, so it is now famous for African hair too.
Dread combs are used to make backcombing dreads.

2 & 3 strand twist
The 2 & 3 strand twist method is a way of creating a dreadlock that gives dreads a nice and smooth look.
This technique is also known as the “twist and rip” method.
It’s very simple, and you can use it to make your own set of dreads in just a few minutes.
With time these twists get mature and turn into dreadlocks.

Dreads from braids
Braids method is a quick and easy way to make dreads from braids.
There are many different methods for making dreadlocks, but many people choose this one because it is easy and fast.
The best way to make dreads from braids is to start with a loose braid.
You can then take the braid out and tie it up again, this time with more tension at the top.
This will create shorter sections of hair that will then eventually lock together over time.
It is a dreadlock creation method in which hair is braided to get hair locked at the braid base.
Then after some time, when the hair gets locked and turns to dreadlock, the braid is trimmed off.
This method is best for short hair.

Acts to Maintain Dreads
Dreads can be maintained by following certain simple steps, we will try to explain the vocabulary in this dreadlocks dictionary !
Clean your dreadlocks
It is essential to clean your locs and keep them clean. You want to get rid of dirt, dead skin cells, lint, build-up, and even environmental pollutants that can get stuck in between the locs.
Locs not cleaned properly make locs dry out, have an unpleasant odor and interfere with the loc process.
You can check plenty method on : our tuto will show you how to clean your dread with apple cider and baking soda.
Don’t hesitate also to read our other articles how To Clean Gunk Out Of Dreads and what to do if you have Smelly Dreadlocks and other on our washing categorie.

Wash you dreads
Cleaning is a process to make dreadlock dirt and residue-free. You need to wet your hair fully.
Never pour shampoo over your scalp. Instead, pour over your hand, and rub it to turn to lather.
Clean scalp using fingertips and rinse with plenty of water.
If you have more questions and get scare, read this article : Can You Get Dreads Wet Every Day?

Dry your locks
The best way to dry dreadlocks is using a hairdryer with a portable bonnet.
Air drying takes hours or days that can create a musty smell in hair.
If you never dry your locs, checkout this article before : How To Blow Dry Dreads Safely or How To Air-Dry Your Dreads.
Twist and retwist
Twisting and retwisting dreadlocks are almost the same.
Twisting dreadlock is the method to create dreadlock.
Retwist dreadlock is the method to maintaining dreadlock.
Both involve spinning the dreadlock after applying cream or gel until it is under pressure to get compressed and become tight.
Read more about The Best cream/gel/products to retwist
Tight and re-tight

Start with separating dreads at roots, rub them clockwise until it becomes tangled, and become part of the dreadlock.
Read more about : How To Keep Dreads Tight At The Roots? and How To Tighten Dreads With Palm Roll Method Instantly?

Clockwise Rubbing
Clockwise rubbing is also a method to tighten the dreadlocks by rotating hair closer to the roots in a clockwise direction in circles while gently holding it between 2 to 3 fingers.
Clockwise Rubbing Dreads reduces matting, knots, and tangles that can result from neglecting one’s locks.
It also helps to keep the scalp healthy by stimulating circulation and preventing scalp buildup.

Palm rolling
This technique is very popular in Jamaica and is often used to maintain dreads.
Palm rolling involves using your hands to roll the hair in your fingers, with this technique can help you get rid of tangles and knots.
Regular palm rolling helps the dreadlock to get mature and grow with a uniform structure.
This technique is applied to the whole length of hair to compress the knot and tighten the hair to become dreadlocks.

Products For Dreads
In this section, we will be talking about products that are used to maintain dreadlocks.
Geet more details about What Are The Best Products For Starting Dreads?
There are many different products that you can use to maintain dreadlocks.
Some of these are included in this dreadlock dictionary : creams, waxes, oils, shampoos, and rosewater or beads.
Dreadlocks Cream
Dreadlock cream is the one used to moisturize natural afro dreadlocks.
It helps all types of locs, from starters to mature ones, to keep looking healthy and less frizzy and makes them strong.
This will help the hair stay together and create a tight definition of each lock.

Dreadlocks wax
Dread wax is used during maintenance. The wax is good for those who want to keep their dreadlocks neat and tidy.
You can say it is a binding agent to form new locks quickly by binding or gluing hair together.

Dreadlocks Oil
To keep dreadlocks soft, without weighing them down, and avoiding the build-up, using dreadlock oil is best.
You can use oil for dreadlocks that are rich in vitamins B, C, and E, as well as omega fatty acids.
Dreadlocks Oil is made of 100% natural ingredients and it has a formula that conditions the hair and scalp. It also has a pleasant scent.
It is also good for those who want to grow their locks and make them thicker.
Go read our articles :
- Best oils for your dreads ?
- Is Coconut Oil Good For Dreads ?
- Is Avocado oil good for dreadlocks?
- Is Tea Tree Oils Good For Dreads ?
- Is Peppermint Oils Good For Dreads ?

Dreadlocks Shampoo
Dreadlocks shampoo is vital in cleaning the dreadlock but make sure it is residue-free.
Otherwise, it makes dreadlocks heavy after some time. In other words, sulfate-free shampoos are best.
It will clean your hair without stripping it of the natural oils that it needs to stay healthy and moisturized.

Rosewater condition, moisturize and hydrate dreadlocks, especially the starter ones.
It keeps them moist and avoids becoming brittle and dry.
It is great for anyone who needs their hair to be moisturized or anyone who wants to have healthy, hydrated hair. Anyone with dreadlocks need rosewater.
Discover more details on our article dedicated to Rosewater

Beads for Dreadlocks
Dreadlocks with cuffs and beads give you a high-fashion vibe and make them look creative and unique.
Some of you will may like to make your own !! Chec that How Do You Make LOC Hair Jewellery
Usually, people wear beads at the ends of the locks and cuffs anywhere on dreadlock length.
Online you will fid plenty differents, in wood, metals, …. for all occasions. Check those pack on dread beads

Dreadlocks Shower Cap
The day you don’t want to wash or wet hair in the shower, the shower cap helps.
To keep healthy dreads, i encourage you to read : If you can get dreads wet every day?
Also, if there is much moisture in the air, it will avoid dreadlock getting frizzy.
There is plenty form, size, color to buy shower cap online, just choose the one you like.

Dreadlocks Sleep Cap
To increase the lifetime of the dreadlocks style, keep locking the moisture in hair and prevent frizziness, you should use a dreadlock sleep cap.
It also avoids hair picking lint and debris from the sleeping surface.
Check online all the size you can find of sleep cap.

Time to time, I will improve this homemade Dictionary about dreadlocks.
I hope it will help if you are a beginer with dreadlocks or a wize locs person.
I want it to help you in your journey to grow and wear healthy dreadlocks.
If you have any remarks, informations, modifications, missing word, … please help me, help us, to update this little Dreadlock Dictionary.