How can I grow my dreadlocks naturally/Freeform Dreads? Dreadlocks Installation Natural dreads, commonly known as freeform dreads, is unique. They are easy to identify and low maintenance. While they are…
What is the best oil to use on dreadlocks? Natural Dreads oils Dreadlocks Maintenance When you think of oils for your dreadlocks, natural oils should be the only oils that come to mind. These…
How often should I wash my dreadlocks To Prevent Build-up? Dreadlocks Maintenance This is a common question asked during the starter dreads stage. Contrary to popular belief, you can wash your hair…
Interlocking Vs Palm Rolling Dreadlocks Which Is the Best? Dreadlocks Installation Palm rolling is a technique used to maintain locs where you or a loctician roll your dreads in between their…
Tips To Maintain Fresh Dreads After Gym And Sweating Dreadlocks Maintenance Exercise is critical for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and if you’re working out six to seven times a week, then…
How long does it take for dreads to lock up? Dreads Beginners Waiting for your dreads to lock up is not the end goal of your dreads journey. However, unraveling is not…
Is Rosewater Good For dreads? And Its Benefits Dreads oils If you are wondering if rose water is good for dreads? The answer is yes! It has been around since…