There is a lot of hype behind J Cole dreads, and I can see why his dreads are super freeform and healthy. J Cole hasn’t always had dreadlocks; he maintained a clean fade, up until 2013, where his baby locs formed.
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J Cole is very talented beside his killer rap game. He’s self-taught on the piano, has his own record label and his Dreamville Foundation, where he pays for houses for single mothers in his hometown.
If you look at a picture from back in 2013, you’ll notice that he was free-forming his baby dreads.
Embed from Getty ImagesJ Cole Dreads Evolution From 2015-2020
This is a big jump from 2013, but his dreads have significantly changed in length and is clear to us he’s growing dreadlocks. Again, we see no signs of maintenance in his locs- he didn’t retwist them, nor pull them apart.
In 2016 his dreads were beautifully locked with added inches. He’s not in the mature dreadlock stage but has developed some congos.
By, 2018 most of his locs have combined since his dreads are clearly thicker. As of today, J Cole dreads have grown passed his shoulder. His frizziness is no longer visible, and his locs are still combining, which creates cool congos.
Some of his dreadlocks are flat only because he doesn’t palm rolled his hair. Apart from this, he has amazing dreads. He rarely styles his hair, but if he does, they are in simple but stylish looks.
Achieving His Dreadlocks
All freeform locs are never the same. If you want to achieve dreads that resemble J Cole hair, allow her hair to dread on its own. Moisturize your locs, don’t retwist nor manipulate your hair.
If you notice your dreads are combining too much that is, in large bulk, you can always pull them apart so they can look similar to JCole dreadlocks. He fades the side so, if you are into that look, you can try it.
Hopefully, he’ll keep his dreadlocks because I’ve seen a lot of rappers shaving their dreadlocks, so I’m curious to see how long he’ll keep his hair this way.
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J Cole Dreads Q and A
How long has J Cole been growing his Dreads?
J Cole has been growing dreads since 2013 so, as of 2020 he has been growing his dreads for seven years.