This is a question that a lot of people with dreadlocks might ask themselves at some point in their lives. Dreadlocks have been a symbol of pride and self-expression for many people, but they can also lead to discrimination. Here are some tips on how to face discrimination over dreadlocks:
Table of Contents
- Educate yourself about dreadlocks.
- Stand up for yourself and your dreadlocks
- Connect with other people who have dreadlocks.
- Educate others about dreadlocks.
- Keep your locks healthy and clean.
- The Reality In The USA In The Army ?Can you have dreadlocks in the military?
- Can you have dreadlocks in the Navy?
- Dreadlocks prohibition in 2022?
- What is dreadlocks discrimination and why does it happen?
- How do identify dreadlocks discrimination?
- What to do if you experience dreadlocks discrimination?
Educate yourself about dreadlocks.

One of the best ways to combat discrimination is to be educated about what dreadlocks are and why people wear them. Dreadlocks are simply matted coils of hair, and they can be worn by people of any race or ethnicity. People often wear dreadlocks because they like the way they look and feel, and dreadlocks can be styled in many different ways.
Stand up for yourself and your dreadlocks

If someone says something derogatory or discriminatory about your dreadlocks, stand up for yourself. Let them know that you are proud of your locks and that you don’t appreciate their comments. It’s also important to stay positive and keep your head held high even if you do experience discrimination.
Connect with other people who have dreadlocks.

There are many online and offline communities of people who have dreadlocks, and these communities can be a great source of support. When you feel like you’re the only person who’s experienced discrimination because of your dreadlocks, it can be reassuring to connect with others who have gone through the same thing.
Educate others about dreadlocks.

If you have the opportunity, educate others about dreadlocks. Let them know that they are not only for Rastafarians or hippies and that they come in many different styles. The more people know about dreadlocks, the less likely they are to discriminate against someone for wearing them.
Keep your locks healthy and clean.

This is probably the most important thing you can do to combat discrimination over dreadlocks. Keeping your dreadlocks clean and healthy will show others that you take pride in your hair and that you respect it. Dreadlocks require a lot of maintenance, so be sure to invest time and effort in taking care of them.
Don’t hesitate to consult our article about 5 best maintenance kits for Dreadlocks in 2022
By following these tips, you can face discrimination over dreadlocks with confidence and grace. Remember that you are not alone, and many people support you. Dreadlocks are a beautiful and unique part of who you are, so don’t let anyone tell you that they’re not good enough. Stay strong, stay positive, and rock your locks with pride!
The Reality In The USA In The Army ?
Can you have dreadlocks in the military?

In the United States Army, there is a lot of discrimination against people who are perceived to be different. This can include people of color, women, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and others who don’t fit the traditional “mold” of what an army soldier is supposed to look like.
This discrimination can make it very difficult for those who are marginalized to feel like they belong in the army, and can lead to them feeling ostracized and alone.
It is important for everyone in the army to be aware of this issue so that we can work together to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all. Thank you for taking the time to learn about this important issue.
- Question : Can you have dreadlocks in the military?
- Answer : YES, since Army Directive 2017-03, 3 January 2017 (lifted the ban on locked hair) .
Five years ago, the United States Army removed a grooming regulation prohibiting women service members from wearing their hair in dreadlocks, read the pdf on about the reglementation of dreadlocks in the US Army in 2022.
Can you have dreadlocks in the Navy?
Yes, you can have dreadlocks in the US Navy. Since Army Directive 2017-03, 3 January 2017 (lifted the ban on locked hair) .
Everything is explained in the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). You can read the AR-670-1 Grooming and Appearance Brief here in this file (pdf of 13.4mo)

The US Navy allows its sailors to wear natural hair styles. However, be aware that you must wear a uniform that complies with all Navy regulations. Natural hair styles aren’t allowed if they interfere with the uniform. Be aware that any natural hair style that violates the regulations can result in disciplinary action.
If you wish to wear your natural hair style while serving in the US Navy, you must do so in accordance with applicable rules. Hair cannot be long enough to cover the back of the neck, or to interfere with the operation of a hat or headgear.
You must also maintain an appropriate length, thickness, and condition of your hair while serving in the Navy.
So now you know that the answer at the question : Can you have dreadlocks in the Navy?!
The answer is a BIG YES, since 2017 🙂
Reglementation of dreadlocks in the US NAVY
Dreadlocks prohibition in 2022?

There is no federal law in the United States that specifically prohibits dreadlocks, however, there have been a few instances where people have been discriminated against because of their dreadlocks. In one case, a woman was fired from her job because her employer said that her dreadlocks violated the company’s dress code. In another case, a man was denied entry into a bar because the bouncer said that his dreadlocks made him look “unkempt.”
There are also a few states that have passed laws that prohibit discrimination based on hairstyle or texture. For example, California has a law that protects people from being discriminated against based on their hairstyle. This law was passed in response to a case where a black student was told by his school that he could not wear his dreadlocks because they were considered “unacceptable.”
What is dreadlocks discrimination and why does it happen?

Dreadlocks discrimination is when someone is treated unfairly or differently because they have dreadlocks. This can take many forms, such as being refused service or being ridiculed or mocked. Dreadlocks discrimination can be based on race, ethnicity, gender, or age, and it often happens to people who have natural dreadlocks rather than locks that were created artificially.
There are many reasons why dreadlocks discrimination might occur. Some people might view dreadlocks as an unhygienic hairstyle, while others might see them as a symbol of rebellion or drug use. In some cases, dreadlocks discrimination may be based on racial stereotypes or prejudice against people who belong to certain ethnic groups. Whatever the reason, it is important to stand up to discrimination and to refuse to be silenced.
How do identify dreadlocks discrimination?

Dreadlocks discrimination can take many different forms, but some of the most common signs include:
-Being refused service or being treated differently because of your dreadlocks
-Being ridiculed or mocked because of your dreadlocks
-Having your dreadlocks mistaken for a dirty or unkempt hairstyle
-Experiencing verbal or physical abuse because of your dreadlocks
If you experience any of these things, it is important to speak up and stand up for yourself. Remember that you have the right to wear your hair in any way you choose, and you do not deserve to be treated unfairly because of it.
What to do if you experience dreadlocks discrimination?

If you experience dreadlocks discrimination, there are a few things that you can do to stand up for yourself:
-Speak up and tell the person who is discriminating against you that their behavior is unacceptable.
-Document any incidents of discrimination that occur, including the date, time, and location. This can help you to build a case if you decide to take legal action.
-Contact an advocacy group or lawyer who can help you to fight for your rights.
-Share your story on social media or on, online forums to raise awareness about dreadlocks discrimination.
Standing up to discrimination can be difficult, but it is important to do what you can to protect your rights. With strength, confidence, and grace, you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Rock your locks with pride!