Ital is Vital
Ital living, gets its roots from the Rastafarian movement in Jamaica is a vegetarian/ vegan diet intended to increase one’s health and raise one’s vibration. If you are looking to improve your health and increase your consciousness and feel more connected with an afro-centric approach to veganism, why not give Ital a try.
What is Ital living?
Ital, also spelt I-tal (/ˈaɪtɑːl/), is food celebrated by those in the Rastafari development. It is obligatory in the Bobo Ashanti and Nyabinghi manors, however, not in the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The word gets from the English word “Vital”, with the underlying “v” removed.
This accentuation on the letter “I” is done to many words in the Rastafari jargon to mean the solidarity of the speaker with the entirety of nature. The declaration of Ital eating fluctuates from Rasta to Rasta, and there are not many widespread principles of Ital living.
People who follow the Ital way of living believe that food is thy medicine, a phrase made popular by Hippocrates, who was heavily regarded as the father of medicine. He was taught this on his travel to Egypt and gained knowledge from physicians there.
Many Rastafarian regards, Imhotep as the true father of medicine, and the knowledge from Ancient Egypt is known as Kemet, travelled with its people from east Africa to West Africa and then to the Caribbean from the Atlantic slave trade. The Kemet priest would follow a vegan diet to get a higher consciousness.
This is Ital. It is about high vibration food. Rastas believe that food that comes from Mother Nature has the highest vibration. While the food that comes from animals and processed food are low vibration food.
Process and Food From Animals Are Not Good
Consider this: an animal that spent its entire life restricted to a small cage, and lives a life full of fear, is killed in the most inhumane way is not to consume. Rastafarian believes it messes with your consciousness, your vibration, your vitality, and that is the primary goal of Ital living is to increase your Livity and eating dead flesh; therefore works against it. However, some may include fish in their diet.
The same is thought about chemically enhanced food, which is not pure and from the earth, which again harms one’s consciousness.
Why you should consider adopting an Ital lifestyle?

This is Ital. It is about high vibration food. Rastas believe that food that comes from Mother Nature has the highest vibration. While the food that comes from animals and processed food are low vibration food.
The same is thought about chemically enhanced food, which is not pure and from the earth, which again harms one’s consciousness.
Rules That Ital’s Follow When It Comes To What They Do Not Consume
- Processed and food from animals are bad for the human body/holy Temple of Jah.
- It curbs spiritual health and harms the Rasta body.
- It is against the Rastafarian food law and Rasta food laws for health, vitality, and wellness.
Itals eat a lot of root vegetables, legume, dark and leafy vegetables. These foods are rich in fibre, lower the risk of heart attacks, promote healthy skin and bones. Furthermore, they believe in staying fit and healthy and avoid any cancer foaming food. Rastarfrains takes care of their body because, in turn, they know their body would take care of them.